Monday, December 27, 2004

Something About Christmas

This is a timeline of my Christmas weekend.

Friday: The trip to Daegu University took me just over 5 hours. I finished teaching at 8 and then took a taxi to Nonsan Station. I then took a train to Seodaejeon Station. That was followed by a taxi to Daejeon Station, which was then followed by a bullet train to Dongdaegu Station. Finally I took a taxi from Dongdaegu Station to the University. The actual traveling time did not take long; it was the waiting for trains that took the most time. Daejeon Station had some really cool trees outside that I just had to get a picture of:

When I got to Daegu University Janice showed me what she had been up to lately: toilet training her cat "Caticus." Look at the intensity on that cats' face!

Saturday: We started off by opening our presents and eating breakfast at Jen Jordans's apartment. By mid afternoon we had a pot-luck dinner at the dorm. Here are the pictures:

Sunday: We went downtown to buy kitten food for my new kitten, "Venus." Did I forget to mention that? Our second cat, Lester, was named after "Les Nestman" from the television series "WKRP in Cincinnati." My new cat is named after "Venus Flytrap" from the same show. On our way we saw a very interesting store:

Gross. Anyways, this is a picture of me and Venus:

Anyways, that was my Christmas. How was yours?


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