Monday, January 23, 2006

Something about Canadians

This is a quote by Paul Martin that was carried by Reuters over the weekend:

"The vast majority of Canadians do not agree with the right-wing view of Stephen
Harper," he told reporters in the Ontario town of Brampton on Saturday.

I am getting sick and tired of Martin and Liberal's in general claiming to know how Canadians think. What is he going to say if the Conservatives win on Monday? That would show that the vast majority of Canadians do not agree with the corrupt view of Paul Martin. Remember that he won the last election with a minority, hardly a vast majority. We live in a democracy for a reason: so we can choose our own government. I take offence to a leader who tells me how to think. Some of Martin's "scare tactics" this election have been that a Harper win would take away a women's right to an abortion as well as reverse the recent ruling on gay marriages. This election has shown that his scare tactics didn't work. Hey Martin, did it ever cross your mind that maybe the vast majority of Canadians don't share the Liberal view on those two topics? It's almost been comedic watching Martin these last 2 weeks. The guy looks like he is scared out of his mind, while Harper has been his calm and collected self. On Monday we will see how the vast majority of Canadians feel about the issues.


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