Sunday, June 11, 2006

Something About Border Patrol

Texas Governor Rick Perry has suggested placing webcams along the Texas-Mexico border to monitor crossing "hot spots". Internet users would visit the website to watch for Mexicans crossing illegally into the United States. Users would then call a toll-free number to report any sightings. Wow, how bored would you have to be to actually view these webcams? Assuming the Mexicans would cross at night, the border would have to be lit up just to see them with the cameras. This idea only proves one thing: Texas has a habit of electing really dumb Governors.


At 12:59:00 PM, Blogger Janice said...

I don't know what is more ridiculous...the idea itself, or the fact that there will actually be a huge number of people watching the webcams waiting for a chance to call the 1-800 number.

At 10:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you get Jon Stewart's Daily Show there, but he had a spoof of the bordercams last week, of what would most likely happen. Instead of calling the border patrol, a viewer would call their bookie to place bets on who would get in.

At 10:41:00 PM, Blogger Mike Peacock said...

Actually I first found out about the plan from Stewart's show. I had to google it to see for myself.


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