Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Something About Teenaged Soldiers

The UN is currently holding a conference in France to to develop strategies to prevent the recruitment of child and teen aged soldiers. This practice, according to the conference, happens in Asian and Latin American countries as well as Haiti, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Liberia. On the same news day, The UK admitted it had sent up to 15 underage soldiers to Iraq in the past 2 months, violating a U.N. protocol on children's rights. It's funny how the UN was ready to blast these under-developed countries for this practice while it turns out a developed country like the UK is doing the same thing. If 2007 doesn't bring an end to the war in Iraq, I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. lowered it's recruitment age.



At 9:27:00 PM, Blogger Janice said...

While I agree with you, I think the major diffence is that in places like Liberia, children are kidnapped and forced into armies and militias; in England, the kids weren't drugged, beaten or otherwise forced into service. There are many American soldiers here in Korea who are old enough to drive a tank and shoot to kill, but are too young to drink a beer. None of it makes sense to me.


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