Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Something About Canadian Liberalism

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to friend after church. The Belinda Stronach thingy had just passed and I was asking him what he thought about the situation. "Belinda who? Honestly Mike, I don't pay attention to Canadian politics anymore." He went on to say that when he decides to leave Korea he plan's to move to The United States (he's from B.C.). "I just can't stand the way Canada has become so liberal!" I was a little shocked by his comments. Has Canada really become that liberal? And if it has, would it be really worth it to move to The States? I have nothing against Americans as a people but there is no way that I would live in a country with that dumb ass president. I was reading online the other day that the Canadian Liberals are planning to extend parliament into July so that the Gay Marriage bill can be passed. Considering the bill has the support from 3 out of the 4 parties I can only assume it will be passed. What I don't like is that it doesn't seem to be a free vote. Paul Martin, like his predecessor, is telling his MP's how to vote on the issue. Even those Liberal's who are against the bill are being ordered to vote for it. How is that a democracy? MP's are supposed to vote the way their constituents tell them to. That said I really don't think the majority of Canadians support gay marriage. While running the Reform Party, Preston Manning stressed the need for referendums in cases such as this. I strongly agree. Why should Paul Martin decide if Canada should have legalized gay marriages? Is this his country? Put it to a national vote, buddy. If the bill passes it will make Canada only the third country in the world (behind Belgium and the Netherlands) to permit gay marriages. Gay marriages, medical marijuana, free heroin for addicts; I'm starting to think my friend was right. Canada is becoming too liberal.


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