Something About The Simpsons
On the recent episode of "The Simpson's" Selma goes through menopause and decides she wants to adopt a child. She goes to the Chinese Consulate to see about adopting a Chinese baby. On the wall of the consulate is a big map of China colored orange with Taiwan colored green. This may be a political statement on Fox's end. China considers Taiwan to be a Chinese island, therefore I would think a map located in a Chinese consulate would have the same color for both China and Taiwan. This would not necessarily be the case for maps not belonging to the Chinese government. In a more obvious "jab" at the Chinese government the outside of the building says "Consulate of China: Russia's Wacky Neighbor." Something to think about.
I didn't notice the poke at Taiwan - good eye, Mike! I was a bit offended at the image of Selma infront of the tank. But then again, when have the Simpson's not offended on occasion?
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