Something About History Repeating Itself
Does history really repeat itself? If indeed it does surely we must take advantage of the situation and learn from our past experiences. In late 2002 Bush stepped up his accusations of nuclear weapons in Iraq. Then, in early 2003, he whipped out his satellite pictures. The pictures showed what he said were weapons labs set up around Iraq. The pictures also showed "mobile labs" that Bush said were being driven around Iraq to avoid detection. Bush has surely stepped up his criticism of North Korea in recent months. And, sure enough, last week he whipped out the satellite pictures. Bush says there is a massive amount of land in the north-eastern area of North Korea that appears to have been dug up and then re-filled. He claims it is the North's preparation for a nuclear weapons test. History repeating itself. What did we learn from 2002-2003? The satellite pictures Colin Powell showed of Iraq were more than 10 years old, some even pre-dated the first Gulf War. Nuclear inspectors in Iraq now say there is no evidence of any nuclear research within the country. If the U.S. does take military action (which I am almost certain it won't) let's just hope the intelligence is legite. History has shown that U.S. intelligence is crap. South Korea has said the recent satellite pictures released by the U.S. prove absolutely nothing. A poll released 2 weeks ago showed that South Koreans have a greater fear of Japan than North Korea. Food for thought.
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