Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Something About Japan

I try my best to discuss current events with my oldest students (ages 13 and up). The biggest event in this area of the world right now is the train crash in Japan. It is kind of scary considering I take the train at least 4 times every week and half of those times I end up standing. Not only that but my apartment is right beside busy train tracks. I told my students that so far 50 people have died because of the crash. "Oh no, teacher, 70 people are dead!" Just then the class erupted in a big cheer. Many news stories of late have revolved around anti-Japanese demonstrations in China. While local news stories tell about anti-Japanese demonstrations in Korea they don't seem to make it to the international media. Sure Korea doesn't have the numbers like you see in China but the anti-Japanese sentiment is very ripe. Last year I had a 12 year old student tell me that if a Japanese girl ever came to her school she would beat her up. Last week my students drew me a picture of a Japanese person from the 1800's. The picture showed the Japanese with huge buck teeth. I haven't met one Korean yet that has had anything good to say about the country or people of Japan. I agree totally that Japan has a long way to go to mend fences with it's Asian neighbors but I don't know how hatred of Japan is going to solve the situation. Ironically this is officially the Year of Friendship between Korea and Japan.


At 10:31:00 PM, Blogger Janice said...

Most of my University students are a little less beligerent towards Japanese individuals. They're still spitting mad about Dokdo and the textbooks, but there hasn't been any backlash agains the Japanese students here.

At 10:31:00 PM, Blogger Janice said...

Most of my University students are a little less beligerent towards Japanese individuals. They're still spitting mad about Dokdo and the textbooks, but there hasn't been any backlash agains the Japanese students here.


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