Thursday, June 30, 2005

Something About Pointing The Finger

I think this may be the 3rd time I written about Karla Holmoka but hey, the woman erkes me. You would think that after spending 12 years in prison Holmoka would have had time to ponder her actions. Any normal citizen would expel at least some remorse for their actions. Instead Holmoka points her finger at the media. In an injunction request submitted to The Quebec Supreme Court, Holmoka blames the media for "perpetrating the publics wrath" torwards her. In her own words Holmoka says that "the same press, through an unprecedented media hype, led the people to believe that the plaintiff's sentence was insufficient and that the plaintiff didn't pay enough for her crimes." This women is dilusional. It's the medias fault that people think spending 12 years for 3 murders is not a sufficient sentence? In other words, if the media had not reported so much about her sentence the public would not hold so much scorn for her. Whatever. Pulling the trigger of a gun is one thing, but torturing someone for days before their death is quite another. The fact that she gleefully participated in these acts is disgusting. Holmoka brought the injunction forward to try and stop the media from following her around and taking her picture once she is released. In the injuction Holmoka writes: "As far as I know, nothing has been done to safeguard my security after my release from prison, and the thought of being relentlessly pursued, hunted down and followed when I won't have any protection makes me fear for my life." Relentlessly pursued; hunted down; followed; no protection; fear for my life: does anyone else see the hypocrisy in these words?


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