Friday, December 02, 2005

Something About Dirt

I remember when I first laid eyes on a Korean elementary school. "Look at all that dirt!", I said to myself. The typical Korean elementary, middle and high school's have dirt playing fields. It really does make the schools look unappealing. The Korean government has decided to reward their students with a "gift" for studying so hard. They have announced that, by years end 2006, all public schools in Korea will be surrounded by fields of astroturf. They cite maintenance costs as reasons not to simply plant grass seed. I can see some downsides to this. First, the astroturf is likely to rip a child's clothes when fallen upon. Second, the balls are going to be bouncing all over the place. Third, most Korean boys have b.b. guns; when these b.b.'s hit the ground they will rebound like crazy, likely causing some injury. Just imagine snow on astroturf; these schools are going to have massive skating rinks!


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