Sunday, March 05, 2006

Something About Sa

Living in Korea is sometimes more humorous than interesting. I saw this advertisement while I was in Dajeoen on Saturday. At first glance, it looks like any other banner:

But, on closer observation:

I just had to take a picture. Not only did I want to ask my Korean teacher what it meant, I also thought it was funny that an advertisement would include a picture of a boy peeing on the ground. So far I've been in the presence of 3 children peeing in public (2 boys and 1 girl). The most recent (and the most disgusting) was while I was on the train. The washrooms were occupied, so the father let his son urinate on the steps leading out of the train. Needless to say I chose a new car to stand in. Now, back to the advertisement. I could read "sa sa sa sa", with sa being the Korean word for "4." I could also read the "il" (1) and "ah" (5). The words on the banner were simply the Korean words for the phone number. What I didn't understand was the child urinating. My Korean teacher told me that the word "sa" is sometimes what children call urine. I knew the more common word "ojum" but "sa" was new to me. When you take that into consideration the advertisement is kind of funny.



At 6:33:00 PM, Blogger Janice said...

Did you ever find out what the banner was actually advertising?

At 9:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps for a "johny on the spot"!!!!!!!!

At 11:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, these are advertisements for daeriunjeon, or "replacement drivers." Too plastered to drive home? Call these guys (while letting the soju out on the street corner) and they'll drive you and your car home.


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