Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Something About A "Head's Up"

Something strange happened to me just before Christmas. I received an email from the Royal Bank telling me that something was wrong with my account. They directed me to a website and asked that I confirm my account number and password. In January I got a similar email from Pay Pal. And now, just yesterday, I received yet another similar email from Visa. Here's the thing: I don't have a Visa, Pay Pal or Royal Bank account. I guess this is just a "head's up" to those people who receive similar emails to mine. I would suggest phoning the bank/online service or whatever to ask whether the email was legit or not. On a completely different note: yelling "head's up" to a cat does not mean squat. I opened my freezer door and a piece of frozen chicken fell out, hitting poor Venus on the head. I yelled "head's up!" but she didn't move. Maybe she does only understand Korean.


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