Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Something About Comin' Home

In case you haven't heard, I'll be home in Canada from September 22nd to October 6th. While I'm excited about going back to Canada, the trip home is going to be a bit crazy.
My train leaves Ganggyeong at 7:31 Friday morning and will arrive in Seoul at 10:00. I then take a one hour bus ride to the airport, which leaves me with 2 and a half hours to check my bags, go through immigration and grab some lunch. My flight from Seoul to Tokyo will take 2 hours, after which I have a 2 hour stop over before my flight to Chicago. My flight to Chicago takes about 12 and a half hours, after which I have a 4 hour stop over before I leave for Toronto. My flight to Toronto is an hour and a half. That puts me in Toronto at 10:35 p.m. Friday night. To better put this into perspective, let's keep the times as they are in Korea: I leave Ganggyeong at 7:31 a.m. Friday morning (Korean time) and arrive in Toronto at 11:30 a.m. Saturday morning (Korean time). That's 28 hours of travel!
Despite the chaotic travel schedule I can't wait to get home, even if it is only for 2 weeks. Woo hoo!

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Something About Shoes

This Summer I wore my sandals every day with the exception of my trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. Today was the first day I wore my leather shoes in over 3 months. Sure enough, I ended up injuring someone with them. As I was leaving the bank this morning I pushed on the door to open it. After finding that I had to pull instead, I took a step back to open the door. That step landed on some poor old lady who was still wearing sandals. She let out a hoot and I apologized in English. Maybe I'll wear my sandals for a few more weeks.
