Thursday, June 30, 2005

Something About Pointing The Finger

I think this may be the 3rd time I written about Karla Holmoka but hey, the woman erkes me. You would think that after spending 12 years in prison Holmoka would have had time to ponder her actions. Any normal citizen would expel at least some remorse for their actions. Instead Holmoka points her finger at the media. In an injunction request submitted to The Quebec Supreme Court, Holmoka blames the media for "perpetrating the publics wrath" torwards her. In her own words Holmoka says that "the same press, through an unprecedented media hype, led the people to believe that the plaintiff's sentence was insufficient and that the plaintiff didn't pay enough for her crimes." This women is dilusional. It's the medias fault that people think spending 12 years for 3 murders is not a sufficient sentence? In other words, if the media had not reported so much about her sentence the public would not hold so much scorn for her. Whatever. Pulling the trigger of a gun is one thing, but torturing someone for days before their death is quite another. The fact that she gleefully participated in these acts is disgusting. Holmoka brought the injunction forward to try and stop the media from following her around and taking her picture once she is released. In the injuction Holmoka writes: "As far as I know, nothing has been done to safeguard my security after my release from prison, and the thought of being relentlessly pursued, hunted down and followed when I won't have any protection makes me fear for my life." Relentlessly pursued; hunted down; followed; no protection; fear for my life: does anyone else see the hypocrisy in these words?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Something About Canadian Liberalism

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to friend after church. The Belinda Stronach thingy had just passed and I was asking him what he thought about the situation. "Belinda who? Honestly Mike, I don't pay attention to Canadian politics anymore." He went on to say that when he decides to leave Korea he plan's to move to The United States (he's from B.C.). "I just can't stand the way Canada has become so liberal!" I was a little shocked by his comments. Has Canada really become that liberal? And if it has, would it be really worth it to move to The States? I have nothing against Americans as a people but there is no way that I would live in a country with that dumb ass president. I was reading online the other day that the Canadian Liberals are planning to extend parliament into July so that the Gay Marriage bill can be passed. Considering the bill has the support from 3 out of the 4 parties I can only assume it will be passed. What I don't like is that it doesn't seem to be a free vote. Paul Martin, like his predecessor, is telling his MP's how to vote on the issue. Even those Liberal's who are against the bill are being ordered to vote for it. How is that a democracy? MP's are supposed to vote the way their constituents tell them to. That said I really don't think the majority of Canadians support gay marriage. While running the Reform Party, Preston Manning stressed the need for referendums in cases such as this. I strongly agree. Why should Paul Martin decide if Canada should have legalized gay marriages? Is this his country? Put it to a national vote, buddy. If the bill passes it will make Canada only the third country in the world (behind Belgium and the Netherlands) to permit gay marriages. Gay marriages, medical marijuana, free heroin for addicts; I'm starting to think my friend was right. Canada is becoming too liberal.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Something About Being Interviewed

I spent the day in Seoul today buying souvenirs throughout the city. It is now less than a month until I come home so I thought I'd better start getting things ready. My first stop was Insa-dong, an arsty/fartsy area of Seoul that is loaded with souvenir shops. While looking around the area I was approached by 5 elementary school students. So began the first of three interviews I gave for the day.

Q:"Sir, we are from ???????? Elementary School. Could we ask you a few questions?"
A:"Sure. "
(smiles and laughter all around)
Q:"Um, what country are you from?"
Q:"How many years have you been here?"
A:"I've been here for two and a half years."
Q:"Ohhhh. Where do you live?"
A:"I live in Nonsan"
Q:"Ahhh. Okay. Can we take your picture?"
(The five students pose with me as a passer-by takes the picture)
"Thank-you! Bye!"

I wasn't very enthusiastic to do the interview; I had a headache and the temperature was pushing above 30 C. Anyways, I found a pharmacy soon after so all was good.

My next stop was Itaewan, the most well known foreigner area in Seoul. The only reason I went there was to buy phone cards. Usually I try to stay away from the place (it's packed full of American soldiers on weekend leave). Anyways, as soon as I got off the subway I was approached by my second interviewer of the day, this time an adult from a milk company.

Q:"Hello, do you like milk?"
I don't like milk and only have it with my cereal. Given I rarely eat cereal for breakfast it's safe to say I rarely drink milk. That said, the girl was cute so I decided to go along.
A:"Yes, I like milk."
Q:"Oh, well then would you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
I can't rember all the questions but they were all milk related (duh). They went along the lines of "how often do you drink milk" and "what's your favorite brand of milk?" At the end of the interview she gave me a gift. It was actually pretty cool: an alarm clock/calendar/thermometer with batteries. I already have one but hey, it was free.

After Itaewan I was off to COEX Mall, a typical western mall. I like to go there because it's just a cool place to be. I was there for about 10 minutes when I was approached by 3 elementary school students.
Q:"Hello, sir, could we ask you a few questions?"
Yadda yadda yadda. It was pretty much the same as the first interview.

Finally it was time to go home so I was off to Yongsan Station. The way my day was going I was sure I would be approached by someone while I waited for my train. Alas, nobody came up to me! That made me happy. The last time I was at Yongsan Station I was ambushed by 2 Jehovah's Witness's who tag teamed me with their gibberish for 20 minutes. So now I'm at home watching CNN and checking my email. In other news, the rainy season is expected to start either Sunday or Monday. Great. It's expected to last until the end of July and include at least 3 typhoons. Super.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Something About Lindsay Lohan

The new movie "Herbie: Fully Loaded" is starting to sound more like a science fiction flick than the family film it's being touted as. While the car is the same (a 1963 Volkswagen Beetle) it has developed many more mannerisms than the previous movies. The new Herbie smiles, frowns and even farts. Reviews I have read say that the entire front end of the car is animated. The strangest thing about this movie is what Disney did to it's starring actress, Lindsay Lohan. Apparently Disney figured Lohan's breasts were too large to use in a family movie. The solution: digital breast reduction. According to BlogDisney, "Disney technicians were forced to plough through numerous scenes - especially those showing the busty actress jumping up and down at a motor racing track, reducing her breasts by two cup sizes and raising revealing necklines on her T-shirts." How long do you think it will take for the unedited version to hit the internet? I give it 2 weeks tops. It's starting to sound like this movie might be a contender for the "Best Visual Effects" award at next years Oscar Awards. Or not.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Something About Toast

It's a miracle! This piece of toast bearing the image of Michael Jackson is being sold on Ebay for an unknown price (unknown to me, at least). There is also a piece of toast being sold that has the words "Not Guilty" burned into it. Don't sell it, eat it! In other news, I had a "hair malfunction" today. When I shower I always follow the same steps:

  • Rinse hair
  • Add shampoo, lather and rinse
  • Add Conditioner
  • Wash body with Irish Spring Sport Soap
  • Rinse body
  • Wash body with Dove Sea Breeze Body Wash
  • Rinse body
  • Rinse conditioner from hair

Today I somehow skipped the last step. As I was checking my email just before lunch I noticed my hair was kind of "gunky." When I ran my fingers through it I realized that I forgot to rinse the conditioner out.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Something About Rejects

Just when the world was preparing for a Spice Girls reunion we learn that it just wasn't meant to be. The Spice Girls are one of many artists who were not given the go ahead to perform at this Summer's Live 8 concert in London. Other rejects for the concert include Ozzy Osbourne, Motley Crue and Meat Loaf. The headliners for the London show will be U2, Madonna and Pink Floyd. Both David Bowie and The Rolling Stones declined invitations to play at the London concert. While a Spice Girls reunion won't happen there are rumors of another artist who may make a come back at one of the Live 8 concerts: Michael Jackson. Rumor has it that Jackson has approached concert organizers about the possibility of an appearance at one the 8 concerts being held around the world. Could you imagine a summer concert series that inclued a Spice Girls AND Michael Jackson comeback? Yikes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Something About Wacko Jacko

The verdict: Innocent. I was telling people on the weekend that he would most likely be cleared of his charges. I was also telling people on the weekend that I think he is guilty. The guy admitted he enjoys sleeping in the same bed as little boys and sees no problem with doing so. Something is wrong with that picture. The problem with this case was that the prosecution was too eager to push ahead with charges. They should have realized that the accusers mother was unstable and would hamper their chances of a conviction. If prosecutor's would have waited for more concrete evidence against the "King of Pop" they most likely would have succeeded with a conviction. Now this innocent verdict will make it that much more difficult for future accusers to come forth. Hopefully Jackson will learn something from this experience, but maybe not. Having beaten the system twice with the same charges he must feel "Invincible."

Monday, June 13, 2005

Something About Karla

The lead news story on canoe this morning is titled "Police concerned for Holmolka's safety." Police are apparently concerned that public outrage over her release will result in people taking the law into their own hands. The concern comes from "chatter" on Canadian websites that have expressed disdain for Holmoka. These websites include , and a Blue Rodeo fan site. Because of the concern for Karla's safety extra police protection has been ordered surrounding the days of her release. Tell me something: are you more concerned for Karla's safety or for the school girls that will live in her new neighborhood? I'd put my concern with the school girls.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Something About Privacy

China has announced that it will force every owner of a website or blog within the country to register the site with the government. The reasons for this can't be denied: it allows the Chinese government a stronger hand in determining what it's citizens can and can't view on the internet. Even so, I think it is a good idea. No one can deny that the internet became too popular, too fast, with little or no restrictions on what can be published on websites. With the exception of child pornography, there seems to be no restrictions placed on a websites content. Making users register their website or blog would allow for at least some standards to be in place for what can be published. By simply visiting one of a thousand websites you can easily pick up spyware that will seriously hamper your computers performance. If websites were forced to register with some kind of governing authority you could actually make a complaint against this spying. It could also put a stop to fraud activity. If someone rips you off you can actually have a name to give to authorities. The pro's of registering a website or blog are endless. The con's are few. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Something About Urinals

Okay, okay, I admit it: I have way too much time on my hands. I found a game called "Toilet Tactics" on the web the other day. It's not so much a game as it is a quiz. It is pretty funny. I scored a "4."