A birds' eye view from afar
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
Something about Canadians
This is a quote by Paul Martin that was carried by Reuters over the weekend:
"The vast majority of Canadians do not agree with the right-wing view of Stephen
Harper," he told reporters in the Ontario town of Brampton on Saturday.
I am getting sick and tired of Martin and Liberal's in general claiming to know how Canadians think. What is he going to say if the Conservatives win on Monday? That would show that the vast majority of Canadians do not agree with the corrupt view of Paul Martin. Remember that he won the last election with a minority, hardly a vast majority. We live in a democracy for a reason: so we can choose our own government. I take offence to a leader who tells me how to think. Some of Martin's "scare tactics" this election have been that a Harper win would take away a women's right to an abortion as well as reverse the recent ruling on gay marriages. This election has shown that his scare tactics didn't work. Hey Martin, did it ever cross your mind that maybe the vast majority of Canadians don't share the Liberal view on those two topics? It's almost been comedic watching Martin these last 2 weeks. The guy looks like he is scared out of his mind, while Harper has been his calm and collected self. On Monday we will see how the vast majority of Canadians feel about the issues.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Something About Porn and Toothpaste
The United States government has subpoenaed the search queries from the three major search engines. Yahoo and Microsoft promptly complied, however Google is holding out. Google claims it would infringe on it's user's privacy. The US government wants to create a law that says whoever access a pornographic website must first register with the site before viewing pornographic images. This would stop minors from accessing the sites. The US government says it wants to study the search queries to find out which sites require registration and which sites don't. I can see how this is a good idea, but I don't for a second believe this is Bush's intention. Why would they need to know what pornographic words people were typing to find a website? Go to Google, type "porn," and voila! They can have all the results they need. To me Bush has ulterior motives for this seizure of queries. Remember, he has seized all search results. He has admitted that the CIA and FBI are monitoring oversees made to and from the United States. In my opinion, Bush wants to find out what US citizens are searching for. Search queries such as "Al Queda", "Bin Ladden" and "Jihad" would obviously be of interest. Remember, though, that Yahoo, Microsoft and Google are international search engines. Bush would be looking at search queries from around the world.
Now, for the toothpaste. I have a few DVD's that have been unplayable for some time now. They have scratches that make my Play Station either freeze in mid frame or stop the DVD altogether. I've tried various cleaning and scratch removing techniques but nothing has really worked out. I cam across a website this moring that says mixing toothpaste and water together will take most scratches off of a DVD. It worked! Finally, after almost 2 years, I can watch The Simpsons Season 4, Disc 1!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Something About Republicans
The Toronto Star is reporting that Rebpublicans (conservatives) in the United States are crossing their fingers for a Tory win in Canada. Why is it that I hate George Bush and his Republican waco's but for some reason like Sephen Harper and his Conservatives? Strange.
Labels: Politics
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Something About Self Destruction
This is a quote by Paul Martin that was published in Wednesdays' Toronto Sun:
"He's contemplating something. He wants free rein for some reason. He wants to
do something very badly, and he's afraid the courts are going to stop him," he
He's refering to a possible Tory win on Monday. Okay, this guy is paranoid. I swear, if Martin looses this election he might just self destruct.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Something About Belinda Stronach
This morning I was reading an article about Belinda Stronach on the CTV website. She sais that even if she looses her seat in the election she will continue in politics. She then went on to criticize her former party:
Stronach criticized her former Conservative caucus colleagues, calling them
inexperienced. She also accused the Conservative Party of telling people what
they want to hear to win votes.
Anyone that can read those two sentences without laughing or, at the least rolling their eyes doesn't know anything about Stronach or politics. Inexperienced? Stronach went from being CEO of her daddies multi-billion dollar company to running for the leadership of a political party. When daddies princess lost her bid, she decided to stick it out and try to get a seat in government. She succeeded under the Conservative flag and, a year later, ditched them for the Liberal party. She has been in Ottawa for a year and a half. This, my friends, is inexperience. Of anyone in Ottawa she is probably the most inexperienced of them all.
Secondly, she said that the Conservatives are telling people what they want to hear to win votes. Imagine that. Every political party does that, but it's her Liberals that do it the most. The day after the election was called Martin flew out to the Maritimes. It's exactly the same thing he did when the last election was called, and it's what Chretien did when he called his elections. They always head out east with a big bag of cash and start promising it to people. There is a catch: the Liberals must win the election for them to get the money. Money for fisheries, money for the unemployed, money for this, money for that. If the Liberals were doing the job they should be doing they shouldn't have to promise money to anyone: the people should already have it! If Martin was confident at all in his party he should simply say "Hey, we've been doing a good job for the past 12 years, we'll keep doing a good job!" Of course, this is not the case. The Liberals have been promising changes throughout the entire campaign and, recently, even stole the "Hero Fund" idea from the NDP platform. A governing party shouldn't have to change anything to gain re-election.
As for Stronach, I would urge everyone in Newmarket-Aurora to boot this chick out. In the last election you voted Conservative, and she just happened to be the candidate in that riding. She had no right to change parties without first consulting her constituents.
Labels: Politics
Friday, January 06, 2006
Something About Holidays
Long time no post. I guess I've been pre-occupied with the holidays. On Christmas I went to Church and then ate lunch at VIP'S. After this I watched King Kong. There were only two movies playing in Daejeon at the time: King Kong and Harry Potter. I had already seen both of them, but I wasn't about to watch Harry Potter again. As for New Year's Eve, I spent the day walking around Seoul. I had planned on going out that night but my feet were just too tired. On New Year's Day I went to Church in the morning and ate lunch at TGI Friday's. After lunch I saw The Chronicles of Narnia (it had just opened in Korea). 2005 was the first year that I actually kept my New Year's resolution. I didn't bite my nails once, and have completely lost the desire to do so. This year's resolution is a secret to those living in Canada. It's no big deal, really, I just want it to be a surprise when I come home in the Summer. Tuesday was the first day I felt sick all winter. When I went to school on Monday most of my kids were sick. By 5:00 p.m. the next day I had a fever and felt like crap. Right now I'm okay, but I feel really tired. It has been the coldest winter in Nonsan in 20 years. When I drive my students home at night my teeth chatter for a good 5 minutes; they think it's hilarious. Venus is doing well, but she's started a "jumping" phase that I really don't like. I usually wake up in the middle of the night to a "crash" somewhere in the apartment. She's such a cute little brat. I actually got her to sit with me for about 2 minutes this morning without her squirming to get away. Anyways, I hope everyone had a good Holiday Season.
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